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FREE Monthly Bill Chart Printable Template PDF

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to keeping track of bills, I often find myself lost in a sea of papers, sticky notes, and forgotten due dates.

It’s like a never-ending cycle of bill-related stress! So today I have an easy way to keep track of how much money is going to pay bills each month for the whole year.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “How can I get my hands on this amazing bill pay checklist?” Well, fret not, my friends! I’ve made it incredibly easy for you to access and download this fantastic tool. 

Simply scroll to the bottom of this post, and you’ll find a download button where you can download the five different versions of the Monthly Bill payment Tracker for free.

Yes, you read that right—absolutely free!

monthly bill chart printable template

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But first, let’s talk about how to use the free printable bill tracker!

Using the Monthly Bill Tracker

Just like our life planner and budget planner, our bill chart printable is designed to be simple, yet highly effective. It features several columns to help you organize and record all the necessary information. 

First up is the date column. No more frantic searches through emails or digging through piles of mail to find the due dates. 

With our bill tracker, you can write down the due date right next to the bill description, ensuring you never miss a payment again. And trust me, avoiding those late fees feels like a small victory every month!

The next column is for the bill description, so you can easily identify which bill you’re dealing with. 

Most people will have some of the following monthly regular payments:

  • mortgage
  • car insurance
  • electricity
  • Internet
  • credit card 
  • health insurance
  • life insurance
  • car payments
  • rent
  • ​cell phone
  • gas
  • cable/dish/Netflix/Hulu

I like to go through my checkbook and my credit card to help me remember all the bills we pay in a single month.

woman paying monthly bills

Of course, we can’t forget about the amount of the bill column. This is where you jot down the total amount due for each bill. 

Having this information readily available allows you to plan your budget for each pay period more effectively and stay on top of your expenses. Plus, it’s always satisfying to check off those bills as you pay them off!

One nifty feature of our monthly bill tracker is the option to mark whether a bill is on autopay. We all love the convenience of automatic payments, right?

By using the autopay checkbox, you can easily see which bills are set up for automatic deduction and which ones still require manual payment. It’s all about staying organized and ensuring your bills are under control.

picture of monthly bill tracker chart printable on desk with pen and laptop

Then there are monthly checkboxes. For each bill, we’ve provided a row of checkboxes representing each month of the year.

This is where you’ll mark off each month as you make your payments. It’s a simple yet effective way to keep track of your bill payment history and stay accountable.

With this comprehensive monthly bill tracker, you’ll be able to see at a glance which bills need your attention and which ones are already taken care of. It’s a simple but effective system that will help you regain control over your finances and reduce stress (just like our printable calendars!).

monthly bill chart tracker

Free Bill Chart Printable Download

As with all our free printables, these are for personal use only! Please no selling or redistributing of PDF files or digital downloads. Thank you!

This is a digital file in PDF format only. No physical items will be shipped.

Once you click on the download button below the monthly tracker will automatically open up. The bill organizer template is in landscape orientation and sized to US letter 8.5 x 11 inches paper size. There are five different colors of templates to choose from.

I’d recommend just printing out the bill chart printable on white copy paper

Once you’ve downloaded the printable, I recommend printing out several copies so you can keep track of your bills year after year.

You can even punch holes in the free printable monthly bill organizers and keep them in a binder for easy reference. Trust me, this little investment of your time will pay off big time in the long run.

Thanks for stopping by and have a creative day!

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