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Christmas Printables Games: 40 FREE Christmas Games to Print & Play

Grab this set of FREE Christmas printables games to have fun and save money over the holidays. Plus a roundup of other printable Christmas games!

The holidays are coming fast! And whether you are hosting Christmas or going somewhere, worrying about having fun without stress is almost always at the top of everyone’s Christmas wish list!

My family loves to play games at Christmas. When I was young it was always board games that had nothing to do with the holiday.

But nowadays there are so many fun Christmas party games that are free and fun for adults and kids alike! Enter printable Christmas games… all you need is a printer and some paper and you are set for days full of things to do without having to plan anything.

I put together some free printable Chistmas games you can easily download and print anywhere you are. But I wanted to give you even more options when it comes to Christmas games to print so I rounded up over 30 other free PDF Christmas games to get anyone in the holiday spirit!

christmas printables games

All of the following Christmas printables games download can be found mid-way down the post and are big red buttons!

Christmas Scavenger Hunt Printable

A scavenger hunt is always a fun game for a Christmas party or Christmas dinner. And it can be for kids or adults!

There are a few different ways to play a Christmas scavenger hunt. You can play solo or divide into teams (great way to get people talking!).

You can set the boundaries of having to find everything in the house or around the neighborhood (depending on ages).

And then you can even set whether the person has to collect the item that they found and bring it back for proof. Or if every group has a phone, then they can take a picture of a member of the team with the item for proof. Whatever works for your group!

Christmas Scavenger Hunt printable free

We do have another holiday scavenger hunt with images for younger kids too!

If you are a fan of scavenger hunts, make sure to check out our Halloween scavenger hunt and gratitude scavenger hunt printables!

Printable Christmas Games for Family

Sometimes it’s nice to have things to talk about at Christmas dinner when the whole family is together. The following free printable Christmas games are great conversation starters for any age.

You’ll never get a kid talking more when they are trying to defend their favorite thing to another! You’ll have a lot of fun laughing when trying to defend your favorite this or that with two free this or that printables.

christmas printables games

Once everyone is loosened up and ready to talk, move on to these insightful Christmas dinner table questions printable. You’ll never know what your kiddos think until you ask them!

printable free christmas games family

Up next in the printable Christmas games pdf is two Would You Rather questions Christmas themed. For me, some of these Christmas favorites are hard to choose between!

free printable christmas games would you rather
free christmas games

Christmas Pictionary Printable

With all the high-tech computer games nowadays, it’s nice to take it back old school with Christmas Pictionary! Print out this set of Pictionary Christmas words and a sheet to draw out the word.

A great game for large groups!

In groups of two or more, one person draws out the word without talking, while the other team members try to guess the word. Set a time limit of 30 or 60 seconds!

For more instructions, read how to play Pictionary here.

Family Christmas games set part
christmas printable Pictionary games

Christmas Story Starters Printable Game

Getting everyone’s imagination going is so fun and needed! My daughter used to love playing story starters. We would alternate giving a line of two or stories and it was so fun to see what her little 4-year-old mind came up with.

She now is going to major in English and loves to write!

To play this Christmas story starter game, print out the following free Christmas printable games: a printable dice, story starters, and a blank sheet to write down the story.

Cut around the edges of the printable dice below. Crease along the red tab edges and then fold into a box. Tape the edges together.

printable christmas games

Have everyone write down the story starter on their blank paper. Then have someone roll the dice.

christmas story starters printable
Family Christmas games set part

The next sentence that everyone writes should include whatever shows up on the dice. Rotate rolling the dice having everyone add to their story. Stop whenever you want and have everyone draw a picture of their story.

Then go around reading them aloud and listen to how everyone’s story turned out with the same story starter!

Free Printable Christmas Games PDF

If you like free Christmas printables, make sure to go grab my Christmas word scramble, Christmas word search, crossword, and coloring sheets in our Christmas activities pack.

And if your family likes singing carols around the Christmas tree like mine does, you can print a Christmas caroling book here to use with the free pdf Christmas games!

As with all my free printables, these are for personal use only! Please no selling or redistributing of PDF files or digital downloads. Thank you!

More Christmas Games to Print

If you’d like even more free Christmas party game ideas, check out this list of some of the best printable Christmas games I found online. Then grab our New Years games for next week!. Enjoy!

Over 40 Christmas FREE Printables Games

I've rounded up some of my favorite printable Christmas games from the blogosphere and I'm so glad I did. I found some new Christmas games that I have never even heard of or thought of playing!

I'm sure you will find a printable Christmas game on this list to make everyone happy!

I’m sure you’ll have so much fun playing these games over the Christmas season! Whether at a family game night or at a party with kids of all ages, I’m sure these printable holiday games will be a hit!

What is your favorite Christmas game to play to ensure holiday fun?

If you’d like to save these Christmas printables games for later, simply hover over the image below and PIN It now!

christmas free printables games

Thanks for stopping by and have a creative day!


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