Instant download of a Christmas Scattergories printable set that includes answer sheets and eight different Christmas theme lists.
The classic game of Scattergories definitely holds a special place in my heart. It was one of my favorite games when I was young.
I vividly remember all the good times I had playing it with my family and even taking it to restaurants to play with friends. We even played the boxed game one night just recently at a family gathering!
And since I’ve been making a bunch of digital files for you this holiday season, making a free printable Christmas scattergories game was high on my list! It was so much fun to design and think of what to put on the category cards.
Of course, I had to add a cute gnome to the free printable game to make it extra cute!

Christmas scattergories will make a perfect addition to any Christmas party or family game night.
You can find the PDF file download button of the three pages at the bottom of the post
How to Play Christmas Scattergories
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As with most of our Christmas party games, you don’t need a lot of supplies for the holiday edition of Scattergories (which makes it a great game!).
Items needed:
- home printer
- copy paper or cardstock
- alphabet die (if you have the original Scattergories game like I still do, just use the one in the box!)
- OR
- smartphone or Alexa – just ask Alexa to “pick a random letter” or use an app on your phone or computer
- pencils or pens
- timer or again can use a phone
- printable game lists and answer sheets (download below)
There are two game cards per sheet. Once you download the printable Christmas games below, print out as many game sheets as you have guests divided by two.
Younger children might need some help thinking of and writing words, so working with a partner is totally fine!

There are four Christmas scattergories lists on each page (2 pages so 8 total Christmas season lists).
I designed them to mimic the original game so opposite lists are flipped.
You can either cut all the lists apart, cut them in half, or just fold them in half so you have a card with 4!

If you’d like to keep the fun Christmas game for more than one year, I’d recommend printing the lists on cardstock or laminating the cards.
I folded each piece of paper in half and then sent it through my laminator and cut it in half.

You’ll need one set of word lists for each player (or small group). You definitely don’t need to do all eight rounds!
I’d recommend establishing some rules that the whole family agrees on before you start the game, like how many rounds you’ll play and if the group gets to vote and veto an answer if they think it’s too far out of left field!
At some point during Christmas break (we love to play games on Christmas Eve after we sing carols), hand each attendee a set of lists, a few game sheets, and a pencil or pen.

Set a time limit for 3-4 minutes so the guests can’t think too long! The game is harder than most think!
To start the game, pick someone to roll the alphabet die first or ask Alexa for a letter. The game sheet has a list of descriptions that the players need to come up with a word that starts with the specific letter that’s rolled.
The party guests will go down List 1 and think of Christmas words that correspond to the prompt that starts with that letter of the alphabet. But not just any answer, you only get the point if you have a unique answer!
That’s right, if someone else writes down the same Christmas answer, then you both get zero points for that word!
So the object of the game is to come up with the most unique answers!
And if they use two letters that start with the same letter they get bonus points.

For example… for cookie, and the letter was C, someone could get two points for putting down Chocolate Chip (as long as no one else wrote the same thing).
And each player can only use the same word once (so they can’t use a duplicate answer!)
At the end of each round, everyone will go around and share what word they wrote down, crossing it off if someone guessed the same word.
Each player gets 1 point for a unique word and two points if they have a double letter word. Add up all the points after each round and write the number at the top.
When you have a large group, people can write all sorts of crazy words that don’t make sense, so someone will have to make the ultimate decision if the word is a valid answer.
Use list 2 for the next round and roll or pick a different letter. Repeat the rounds with new lists and new letters until you have completed as many rounds as you want.

Then at the end of the fun Christmas scattergories game, the person that had the most unique words as answers wins!
Christmas Scattergories Printable Download
As with all my free printables, these are for personal use only! Please no selling or redistributing of PDF files or digital downloads. Thank you!
This is a digital file in PDF format only. No physical items will be shipped.
The printable PDF contains all three pages of the game.
Simply click on the download link below and the fun party game file should automatically download.
I’d recommend just printing out the answer pages on white copy paper since they will just be thrown away.
You could also have your local print shop or Office Depot print out the free download of the high resolution PDF to save on your printer ink.
More Printable Holiday Games
If you are hosting or going to a bunch of Christmas parties, you might need a few more fun Christmas games:

Thanks so much for stopping by and have a Merry Christmas!