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Are you looking for some amazing Cricut projects to make?? You’ve come to the right place! Find a ton of step by step and Cricut video tutorials.

Did you recently get a Cricut and now wondering what do I do with this machine?  What Cricut projects should I start with?

We all went through this!  Getting started sometimes is so overwhelming.  When you are looking through Pinterest, you see so many amazing Cricut project ideas and you want to make everything!

But where should you start??

cricut project ideas

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links from Amazon, Creative Fabrica and/or I receive a small commission at no cost to you when you make a purchase using my links (purple text).

What is a Cricut?

A Cricut is an amazing cutting machine that opens up the doors to a whole new world of crafting abilities.  To learn all about a Cricut and what it can do, check out my Ultimate Resource of Cricut Ideas.

Also, make sure to visit to learn more about their products in detail.

Cricut Design Space Tutorials

In order to get started with a Cricut, you’ll need to get into Cricut Design Space.  Before even using the machine, you’ll need to set up an account in Cricut Design Space and figure it out a little bit!

If you are a Cricut beginner, make sure to check out my Cricut Design Space for Dummies and the Cricut Design Space 101 series.

Cricut Supplies

You’ll also need some supplies when getting started with a Cricut.  Make sure to check out my Amazon storefront with my favorite Cricut supplies.

If you have a Maker, make sure to check out my essential Cricut Maker accessories list.

FREE SVG Files for Cricut

If you are not really familiar with Cricut Design Space yet, finding free SVG cut files to use with your Cricut is a great place to start. I have a huge post with a ton of sites that offer free SVG files, so make sure to check it out.

Here are some great places to find free Cricut files:

Cricut Projects

Below are all of my Cricut project tutorials.  Simply click on the picture and it will take you to the tutorial.  I hope these help you continue your love and growth with a Cricut!