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Honest FASTer Way to Fat (Weight) Loss Review 2024

I know this post is much different than what I normally post about (this is not about crafting!), but a lot of you have asked about my weight loss journey on some of my Instagram stories that I have been sharing.

Needless to say, my 49th birthday hit me hard.

I’m in the change we all love so much (ya, right!), and knowing that weight loss was only going to get harder as I transitioned into full menopause had me panicked. I also started worrying about the amount of muscle loss that was going to happen and was very unhappy with my body and the fact that none of my clothes were fitting.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you might know of the extremely difficult season my family went through the past few years. The grief and constant stress wreaked havoc on my body. With all that was going on, I was putting myself last, which resulted in not exercising much or eating healthy.

I was in survival mode during those years and I ended up adding 30 lbs to my 5’4″ frame. I was a few pounds shy of my pregnancy weight, ugh!

My birthday is in January which nicely coincides with a New Year. My word for this year was Stronger.

word of the year

I was determined to become stronger in my body and also my mind. As we are transitioning off the roller coaster of stress, I now have time to put myself back on top of the list and work on being happy with myself again. All of this led me to find a new fat loss program.

If you are anything like me, you’ve tried diet after diet and one weight loss program after another. Over the past decade, I’ve tried (and had success!) with Trim Healthy Mama, 21 Day Fix, Paleo, Keto, intermittent fasting, Whole 30, Noom, 21 Day Shake program, and a few more. In my 30s and even early 40s, the pounds fell off pretty quickly with the plans but most were not sustainable. 

Nowadays, my ideal program to find was an easy healthy lifestyle, where I could still drink wine, and that was a gluten and dairy-free online program. You might remember me talking about my inflammatory disease (Eosinophilic Esophagitis – try saying that 3 times fast!) and top 6 elimination diet. I had always kind of known, but my dairy and wheat sensitivity was definitely confirmed.

As Google always knows what I’m thinking, my Instagram feed started filling up with menopause influencers and other fitness programs. One that caught my eye was Gina @whitegrapesandinshape talking about her love for wine, weight loss, and some FASTer Way program. I had never heard of the FWTFL program by Amanda Tress so I did some research and found that this particular fitness program met all my personal needs!

I’m not one that spends money on programs or myself, but I decided I was worth it. I was paying for gym memberships and all sorts of things for my kids, so why shouldn’t I use some of my hard-earned money and invest in my health??!!

The 6-week program was starting that week and I took a chance on myself and signed up. I had every intention of canceling after the initial 6 week period, but I decided I loved it enough to stay and become a VIP member!

I wanted to wait a while before I gave my honest review of the first round and VIP program so this post has been a long time coming.

faster way to fat loss review

**This is NOT a sponsored post! I found this on my own and pay for everything! I did become an affiliate, which means I earn a small commission if you decide to purchase through my links!

FASTer Way to Fat Loss Program Details

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links from Faster Way to Fat Loss and I receive a small commission at no cost to you when you make a purchase using my links (purple text). As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Before I get to my results, let me go through what the FASTer Way to Weight Loss program is about.

The plan itself is pretty straight forward and simple. Everyone can sign up under their own personal trainer. Each personal coach can run their groups how they want while following the Faster Way plan. 

  • Intermittent Fasting – I had already done intermittent fasting and was a fan of the benefits of it, so this part was not hard for me. The program uses 16:8 fasting (16 hours fasting and 8 hours of an eating window). The first week AKA prep week of the program you mainly just concentrate on getting on an intermittent fasting routine.
  • Strength Training and HIIT workouts – can be done at your house or the gym. They are all accessed through the app or website (see video below!).
  • Carb Cycling –  this paired with the workouts is how more muscle is created. 
  • Good Sleep and Water
  • Non-Scale Victories – you are not allowed to weigh yourself! This one was hard after doing Noom where I weighed myself every day. FWTFL is all about non-scale victories like increased energy levels, better sleep, and clothes fitting better.

The nutrition program consists of eating whole food nutrition (food that comes from the ground or has a mother), counting your macros, and lots of protein. The Faster Way app is a game changer and makes all of this super easy!

Before you start the program, you input a few things like your age, weight, and fitness goals and the app will give you your macro goals for each day. Make sure to watch the video at the bottom of the post with a look inside the app.

Carb cycling is an integral part of the program. There are different kinds of days during the week. Usually, there are two low carb days that you fill with healthy fats and protein, and then five regular macro days. Once you become a VIP, there are a few other days like low macro days and feast days. Again, the app is amazing and tells you everything you need to do!

carb cycling app

Here’s a peek at my app on a regular macro day and then also on low-carb days.

faster way weight loss low carb

My days are filled with whole foods from the Faster Ways meal plan! Yes, I said meal plan!! The meal plan was one of the reasons why I decided to stay on this lifestyle and join VIP.

I love routines and planners, but I always disliked trying to figure out what I was going to make for dinner every night. I used to spend hours looking through my THM books or other cookbooks deciding what to eat.

Now, I am told what to eat all day and I love it!! Less decisions for a busy mom and business owner, I’ll take it!

The weekly meal plans for each week are sent out via email but also show up in the app (there is a regular plan and also a vegan plan). It is super easy to switch out meals for some of my favorites whenever I want.

faster way to fat loss app

It took me a few weeks to really get a hang of the app and all that it could do, but now I’m hooked! I love opening it in the morning and seeing what I’m making for dinner that night.

The other main component of the Faster Way are the workouts. The FWTFL is pretty unique in that it pairs the low carb days with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for maximum fat burning.

faster way to weight loss review

The rest of the regular days are paired with strength training and active recovery or rest days. I am not a fan of gym workouts. I can talk myself out of it so much easier when I think about getting ready, driving to the gym, having to see people (yes, I’m an introvert!), and then driving all the way home.

I want to get in and get done with a workout and I’m able to do that now from the comfort of my own home and in under 30 minutes!

I had a few set of dumbbells before I started, but have had to add heavier weights over the past few months (woo hoo!). I also ended up getting a workout bench (but you don’t need one) and the Fasterway strength bands.

The workouts are all about building muscle mass to burn fat. I never quite understood the reason why you could lose inches but not lose weight until I saw a photo like this. 1 pound of fat weighs the same amount as 1 pound of fat but takes up much less room.


That’s why those pants start getting looser when you add resistance training! But this is also why the weight loss can take longer than other programs.

We are changing body composition and replacing fat with muscle instead of just losing both fat and muscle weight.

To learn more about starting a six week session or signing up, click here!

My Faster Way to Weight Loss Review

I know I googled and read a bunch of faster way to weight loss reviews before I signed up, so I wanted to give you an insight into my own personal experience. I signed up with Gina and Angie at the end of January.

I was bad and didn’t take pictures or measurements before I started. I really couldn’t stand being in pictures and it was hard to go back and actually find photos of me before I started.

I always hid behind people or covered my stomach with my hands or purse but this is a photo of me at my heaviest (eek, can’t believe I’m showing you this!).

Screenshot Photos

I did lose about 10 pounds over the year after this photo before I started the Faster Way program by intermittent fasting. But then I hit a plateau and menopause (plus I have Hashimoto’s thyroid disease) and that’s when I decided to sign up.

One of the hardest parts for me at the beginning of the first round was all the food I had to eat to increase my metabolism. It was a challenge to consume all the food I needed to hit my macros in my 8 hour window!

I was always a snacker and ate a lot of food at dinner and then while sitting on the couch in the evening before so it was a huge shift to stop eating after dinner (the majority of the time!). I do go off plan on Saturdays and Fridays sometimes, but I don’t worry about it! It’s progress over perfection!

My renpho scale had me as obese and my metabolic age as 3 years older than I am when I first started. 

I’m happy to say that I am now in the normal range for weight and my metabolic age is what it should be! I’ve been doing the program for 10 weeks and have lost 10 pounds of fat while going through menopause (so much different than just water weight that you lose during those 5 or 10-day extreme cleanses).

faster way reviews menopause

I see my body composition changing from fat to muscle and it’s so weird! I have never really had defined muscles but I’m starting to see them in my arms and abdomen.

The best part is I feel like I’m eating so much more than I used to! Pants that I haven’t fit into in years are now fitting and I feel confident to wear fitted shirts! (sorry about the bad pictures of my mirror, lol!)

faster way to fat loss review

And I have not been perfectly on plan. I say I’m about 80% on 20% off. I get to have my wine a few nights a week and not feel guilty about it since I’ve budgeted it into my days.

I also sleep much better and have been able to decrease my need for sleep aid (I have had insomnia forever!). My energy is also up! There are some days I never have that afternoon low and I don’t even drink caffeine.

I am just giving you my own personal review, results will vary, but I can tell you there were about 20 ladies around my age in my initial group and they all had positive FASTer Way to weight loss reviews too and stayed on with VIP. There is a great sense of community and each coach runs their own Facebook group or social glow groups that you can ask questions in or reach out to them whenever you need.

faster way to weight loss results

Again, not even counting the new everyday workout (no DVDs that you do the same every week)or my fat loss, I absolutely love the weekly meal guides and the app! Again it took me a few weeks to get used to the app, but now it’s like second nature.

I still have a ways to go before I get to maintenance but I’m super happy with my results so far!

Here’s my typical week on FASTer Way:

On Sunday of each week, I go through the app and add my meals from the week mostly based on the suggested meals of the meal guide. I add some olives, MCT oil, or avocado for more fat on high fat days if needed.

For dinners, I always make a family meal of 4 servings from the meal plan. My 18-year-old son and husband are LOVING all the meals!! My son is trying to pack on muscle (he also has a dairy allergy) so he’ll pick my dinner of cauliflower rice, chicken, and veggies over take-out food.

I make a list of food I need for the week and create a pick-up for Walmart for Monday morning. After school drop off I swing by Walmart and pick up my food and I’m set for the week! Sometimes I will also hit Trader Joe’s and Costco for my meats and produce. I have saved so much money having a list and doing curbside pickup instead of wandering the aisles (not to mention all the time I save!)

faster way food

Every day, I aim to hit my water goals, macro goals, and fasting window.

I do the workouts on average 4 days per week. I always do the 3 strength training days and at least one of the HIIT workouts. I have a lot of back problems which flared up a lot when starting this program. I was trying to do all the high-impact moves, but my old body was not having it.

So I now do a lot of the modified moves (there is always a person doing modified moves during every workout!) at least for the HIIT days and I’m still seeing results. The workout is still hard work even if you are doing the modified moves, I sweat a lot!

faster way workouts

I haven’t done an active recovery workout but I do most of the cherry on top workouts for VIP members. I feel like the pro trainers are my friends now, lol!

Five main trainers rotate through and they are all amazing and I love that a few are in my age bracket! Nothing more annoying than trying to do workouts when everyone is 20 to 30 years younger than you and have much different hormones and metabolisms!

My coaches also recommended 8k-10k steps a day so I try to get those in with my FitBit (but some days are only 5k). I try to go on one or two 3 mile walks with my friends a week and walk my dogs at night with my hubby.

Honestly, the initial price made me hesitate (think it was $250), but I knew I needed some skin in the game to really stick to something. But once I’m in, I’m all in! The monthly cost now is $80-100 which is way cheaper than a gym membership especially when it comes with the app and meal planner! And I know I’m worth it.

Ok, I hope my FASTer Way to fat loss review helped you out a bit. If you know me, I only work with companies that I use personally and love, which is why I decided to become an affiliate of FASTer Way. There are also programs to become a certified coach, but that’s not for me. But I’m happy to talk about my journey with you if you have any questions!

To learn more about starting a six week session or signing up, click here!

They also offer a 5 day Belly Blast every month or so to try everything out before committing!

FASTer Way to Fat Loss App Video Overview

Thanks for stopping by and have a creative day!

Amy selfie

About Amy

Hi There!! Welcome to Leap of Faith Crafting and my little slice of the internet! I am so glad that you stopped by! My mission is to inspire others to be creative and to show you that everyone can be crafty! I am not an expert, I am just like you!! Read more... is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to